Caught on Mic:
“There could be a day when we don’t need police and I eagerly hope for the day…” - Mayor Adler
Why Must We Act Now?
These Policies Have Led To An Unprecedented Crime Wave
Austin is in the midst of a crime surge. Why? Every day, Austinites are suffering from the free-for-all associated with the City’s recent public safety deregulations.
911 Response Times Are Now Over 10 Minutes!
Every neighborhood in Austin has seen property crimes such as burglaries soar. With the number of public safety officers sitting at 1999 levels, calling for help is now taking longer than ever. The average 911 response time in 2011 was under 6 minutes but today is more than 10 minutes. If you can imagine how it feels to wait that long for help, you can see why so many Austinites are at the end of their rope with City Council’s recent policy decisions.
Austin’s Murder Rate Is Up 200% in 2021!
Numbers like this deserve to be called what they are: Nothing less than a total catastrophe. We believe in core principles, including:
Making sure our city has an adequate number of police officers based on its size.
Making sure police training is reformed to emphasize the areas that we all know need more focus.
Making sure our police force is more diverse in its perspectives and people.
Read The #SafeAustin Public Safety Law Now:
Common Sense Policy For a Safe, Clean Austin
Despite the partisan attacks, Save Austin Now PAC continues to fight for the broad majority of Austinites. As a non-partisan citizen’s group, we’re successfully pushing back against the extreme and destructive policies of this mayor and city council: Policies that a strong majority of Austinites disagree with, such as deregulated public camping, de-funding of law enforcement, and more. Stand with us as we continue to give Austinites a direct voice in our democracy, including fighting for a safer city on the November Ballot.