Convention Begins May 23 as RPT’s Financial Situation Becomes Dire

AUSTIN, TX — Travis County GOP chairman Matt Mackowiak is announcing his candidacy for Republican Party of Texas (RPT) chairman today on the Mark Davis show on 660am The Answer in Dallas-Fort Worth. After announcing, he released the following statement:

“The most important election in our lifetimes is 5 months away, and due to incompetence, mismanagement, laziness, and shady associations our outgoing State Chairman and his endorsed successor Abraham George are risking President Trump’s margin in Texas, Senator Cruz’s re-election, and everything we all care about.

“The state party has only 5 paid staff, a Victory chair who just quit, was $500,000 short of the minimum budget for the convention which begins in six days, and couldn’t organize a two-car funeral.

“It is time to have a competent fundraiser and someone who knows how to win tough races in the office of RPT chairman. We need someone who will actively raise money, unify our party, seek to win general elections (not just primary elections), recruit GOP candidates, seek to grow our primary turnout, train volunteers, assist our county parties and auxiliaries, win elections, and successfully push to pass our conservative reforms in the platform and through our legislative priorities — through constructive partnership, not attacks, threats, and childish insults.

“I’ve spent much of my adult life fighting for righteous causes — working at Homeland Security after 9/11, working in White House Advance, serving two U.S. Senators and Governor in senior roles, helping elect five Texas members of Congress, leading the Travis County GOP for seven years with unprecedented success and fundraising in the second most Democratic County in Texas, and starting the largest grassroots organization in Austin history (Save Austin Now), which made Austin the first major American city to overturn a homeless camping ordinance in May 2021.

“I want to thank Dr. Dana Myers, Mike Garcia and Ben Armenta for running campaigns of integrity and distinction. They would all make fine chairs. I hope one of them – or myself – wins this race. I believe these three intensely share my desire to turn RPT around after five years of neglect, dishonesty, self-dealing, and blatant anti-Semitism (which the SREC rightly condemned after a courageous push by SREC Member Chris Byrd. We can do better than the current crop of clowns who have destroyed our party. And we must.

“Today I am announcing my candidacy for RPT Chairman, not because this will be easy, but because the task ahead is too important to leave it in the hands of children.

“We will make RPT great again and we will save Texas. With your help, we have already begun.

God bless Texas.”