Where Do I Vote For Prop B?

Prop B reinstates public camping & panhandling regulations citywide. Deregulated public camping is unsafe, unsanitary, and inhumane! Prop B requires homeless camping areas to be specifically designated rather than the lawless situation we have had since 2019. We won’t get another chance to change our City’s direction on this issue, so y’all get out and vote! Election Day is Saturday May 1. Polls are open 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM. Vote for B!

Find Your Polling Location

98 Election Day Voting Locations, Sorted By Zip Code

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What ID Do I Need?

Acceptable Forms of Voter ID:
- Texas Driver License
- Texas Election ID Certificate
- Texas Personal ID Card
- Texas Handgun License
- US Military ID Card
- US Citizenship Certificate
- US Passport

Am I Registered?

If you voted recently, you don’t need to re-register. If you’ve never been registered to vote, then it is unfortunately now past the deadline.

Questions? vote@saveaustinnowpac.com

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