Where Do I Vote For Prop B?

Prop B reinstates public camping & panhandling regulations citywide. Deregulated public camping is unsafe, unsanitary, and inhumane! Prop B requires homeless camping areas to be specifically designated rather than the lawless situation we have had since 2019. Election Day is Saturday May 1. Polls are open 7 AM - 7 PM. Please Vote!

98 Voting Locations on May 1!

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What ID Do I Need?

Acceptable Forms of Voter ID:
- Texas Driver License
- Texas Election ID Certificate
- Texas Personal ID Card
- Texas Handgun License
- US Military ID Card
- US Citizenship Certificate
- US Passport

Am I Registered?

If you voted recently, you don’t need to re-register. If you’ve never been registered to vote, then it is unfortunately now past the deadline.

Questions? vote@saveaustinnowpac.com

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